1. 나 [ na ]
2. 나는 [ naneun ]
2a. 난 [ nan ]
3. 내가 [ naega ]
In this part, we will talk about the remaining forms:
4. 나도 [ nado ]
4a. 나두 [ nadu ]
5. 나를 [ naleul ]
5a. 날 [ nal ]
Form 4. 나도 [ nado ] - (I...too)
This one is rather easy. First of all, it is also a variation of the simplest form of "I" 나 [ na ].
나도 [ nado ] = 나 [ na ] + 도 [ do ]
It has the meaning of "I...too" .
Form 4a. 나두 [ nadu ]
나두 [ nadu ] = 나 [ na ] + 두 [ du]
두 [ du] means two in Korean. So you can easily get that 나두 [ nadu ] is a slang used by the new generation and in very informal way meaning "I...too".
It is just like we use "me2" to represent "me too". In this case, 두 [ du] is like the "2" in "me2"
Form 5. 나를 [ naleul ] - (me)
나를 [ naleul ] = 나 [ na ] + 를 [ leul ]
를 [ leul ] is attached to 나 [ na ] (I) meaning that "I" is the object of this sentence.
For easier understanding, 나를 [ naleul ] means "me" in English.
For example,
Look at me
(Verb) (Object)
= Me + Look at (Remember the sentence structure of Korean is Subject + Object + Verb)
(Object) (Verb)
= 나를 [ naleul ] + 봐 [ bwa ]
(Me) (Look)
In the song "200%" of AKMU, the first sentence of lyrics is 나를봐 [ naleul bwa ] (Look at me)
5a. 날 [ nal ] - (me)
날 [ nal ] is simple an abrreviation of Form 5. 나를 [ naleul ]