If you want to tell time in Korean, please make sure you know about the Korean Number systems first (the Chinese-based Number and the Native Korean Number).
Time can be divided into Hours, Minutes and Seconds. In the last post, we talked about Hours.
This post will talk about Minutes.
We use Chinese-based Number for telling Minutes.
Minute = 분 [ boon ]
1 Minute = One + Minute = 일 [ il ] + 분 [ boon ] = 일분 [ ilboon ]
2 Minutes = Two + Minute = 이 [ i ] + 분 [ boon ] = 이분 [ iboon ]
3 Minutes = Three + Minute = 삼 [ sam ] + 분 [ boon ] = 삼분 [ samboon ]
15 Minutes = Fifteen + Minute = 십오 [ sipo] + 분 [ boon ] = 십오분 [ sipoboon ]
30 Minutes = Thirty + Minute = 삼십 [ samsip ] + 분 [ boon ] = 삼십분 [ samsipboon ]
45 Minutes = Forty-five + Minute = 사십오 [ sasipo] + 분 [ boon ] = 사십오분 [sasipoboon ]
How do you say 2:30? It's
HOUR 시 [ shi ] + MINUTE 분 [ boon ]
Two O'clock + 30 Minutes
두시 [ dushi ] + 삼십분 [ samsipboon ]
30 Minutes
30 Minutes also means Half an hour, therefore you can use Half 반 [ ban ] instead.
Simple use 반 [ ban ] to replace 30 minutes
Two O'clock + 30 Minutes
Two O'clock + Half
두시 [ dushi ] + 반 [ ban ]