2015年7月1日 星期三

Telling Time in Korean - Hours

If you want to tell time in Korean, please make sure you know about the Korean Number systems first (the Chinese-based Number and the Native Korean Number).

Time can be divided into Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Let's start with Hours.

O'clock = 시 [ shi ]

For Hours, use the Native Korean Number

One O'clock   =  One  +  O'clock   =  하나  [ hana ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 한시 [hanshi]
Two O'clock  =  Two  +  O'clock  =  둘   [ dul ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 두시 [ dushi ]
Three O'clock =  Three  +  O'clock  =  셋  [ set ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 세시 [ seshi ]
Four O'clock  =  Four  +  O'clock  =  넷   [ net ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 네시 [ neshi ]
Five O'clock  =  Five  +  O'clock  =  다섯   [ daseot ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 다섯시 [ daseotshi ]
Six O'clock  =  Six  +  O'clock  =  여섯    [ yeoseot ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 여섯시 [ yeoseotshi ]
Seven O'clock  =  Seven  +  O'clock  =  일곱   [ilgop ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 일곱시 [ ilgopshi ]
Eight O'clock  =  Eight  +  O'clock  =  여덟   [ yeodeol ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 여덟시  [ yeodeolshi ]
Nine O'clock  =  Nine  +  O'clock  =  아홉   [ ahop ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 아홉시 [ ahopshi ]
Ten O'clock  =  Ten  +  O'clock  =  열   [ yeol]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 열시 [ yeolshi ]
Eleven O'clock  =  Eleven  +  O'clock  =  열하나 [ yeolhana ]  +  시 [ shi ] = 열한시 [ yeolhanshi ]
Twelve O'clock  =  Twelve  +  O'clock  = 열둘 [ yeoldul ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 열두시 [ yeoldushi ]

For Five to Ten O'clock, simply combine the Native Korean Number with 시 [ shi ].

However, for One to Four O'clock and Eleven to Twelve O'clock, some minor changes are needed:

One O'clock
Originally it should be 하나  [ hana ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 하나시 [ hanashi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter "a" and so it becomes 한시 [hanshi]

Two O'clock
Originally it should be 둘  [ dul ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 둘시 [ dulshi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter "l" and so it becomes 두시 [dushi]

Three O'clock
Originally it should be 셋  [ set ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 셋시 [ setshi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter "t" and so it becomes 세시 [seshi]

Four O'clock
Originally it should be 넷  [ net ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 넷시 [ netshi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter "t" and so it becomes 네시 [neshi]

Eleven O'clock
Originally it should be 열하나   [ yeolhana ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 열하나시 [ yeolhanashi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter  "a" and so it becomes 열한시 [ yeolhanshi ]

Twelve O'clock
Originally it should be 열둘   [ yeoldul ]  +  시 [ shi ]  = 열둘시 [ yeoldulshi ]
However, we need to remove the last letter "l" and so it becomes 두시 [ yeoldushi ]

