2015年7月2日 星期四

Korean Numbers - Zero, Hundred, Thousand, Million, Billion, Trillion

There are two ways to say the Korean Numbers, the easier one is the Chinese-based number and the harder one is the Native Korean number.

To recap, visit the following posts:

This post will discuss other numbers.

0 Zero  공 [ yeong ]  or  영 [ gong ] 

공 [ yeong ] - sounds like "young" in English

But in phone numbers, we pronouce Zero as:

영 [ gong ] - sounds like "cone" in English

10 Ten  십 [ sip ]  or  열 [ yeol ]

We learnt this before.

Chinese-based:  십 [ sip ]
Native Korean:  열 [ yeol ]

100 Hundred  백 [ baek]

150  A Hundred Fifty = Hundred + Fifty = 백 [ baek] + 오십 [ osip ] =  백오십
250 Two Hundred Fifty = Two x Hundred + Fifty = 이 [ i ] + 백 [ baek] + 오십 [ osip ] = 이백오십

1,000 Thousand

10,000 Ten Thousand

100,000 Hundred Thousand

1,000,000 Million

10,000,000 Ten Million

100,000,000 Billion

1,000,000,000 Trillion

