2015年7月2日 星期四

How to tell your age in Korean?

Counting Korean Age
When talking about age, you need to understand that Korean Age is calculated in a different way.
Usually, our age equals to Current Year - Your Birth Year.
For example, if you were born in 1990, your age is 25 (= 2015 - 1990).

However, in Korea, the time when you were in your mother's tummy was also counted as part of your age. So when you were born, you were already one year old. Therefore, if you were born in 1990, your Korean age is 26 (one year older)

Tell your age in Korean
Having noted the above Korean age, we now turn to learn how to tell your age in Korean.

Years old

Year(s) old = 살 [sal]  or  세 [ seh ]

When you are using the Native Korean numbers to tell your age, you use 살 [sal] to mean "year(s) old". If you use the Chinese-based numbers, use 세 [ seh ] to present "year(s) old"

For example, 25 years old

Native Korean numbers (more frequently used in telling age)
20 + 5 +  살 [sal] =  + 다섯   [ daseot ] + 살 [sal] =  다섯살   [   deseot sal ]

Chinese-based numbers (may be used in writing, but rarely spoken)
2 x 10 + 5 + 세 [ seh ] =  이 [ i ] + 십 [ sip] + 오 [ o ] + 세 [ seh ] = 이십오세 [ isiposal ]

I am / He is / She is / You are / They are / It is

My age is ...

내 [ ne ]  + 나이 [ nai]  +    number
     My    +    Age         is    number

When G-dragon was 13 years old, he had a song named "My age is 13 (내나이열셋 [ ne nai yeolset]". You can check out his music video:

