2015年7月1日 星期三

Telling Time in Korean - Seconds

If you want to tell time in Korean, please make sure you know about the Korean Number systems first (the Chinese-based Number and the Native Korean Number).

Time can be divided into Hours, Minutes and Seconds. In previous posts, we talked about Hours and Minutes.

We now turn to Seconds.

We use Chinese-based Number to tell Seconds.

Second = 초 [ cho ]

1 Second = One + Second =  일  + 초 [ cho ]  =  일초  [ ilcho]
10 Seconds = Ten + Second =  십  + 초 [ cho ]  =  십초  [ sipcho ]
30 Seconds = Thirty + Second = 삼십  + 초 [ cho ]  =  삼십초  [ samsipcho ]
60 Seconds = Sixty + Second = 육십  + 초 [ cho ]  = 육십초 [ yuksipcho ]

There is a Kpop song called 60 Seconds 육십초 by Kim Sung Kyu and the lyrics contain the phrase "60 Seconds 육십초 [ yuksipcho ]", you can hear it at 0:50 and 2:03

At the beginning of the video,  Daesung from Bigbang said "Countdown, 십초  [ sipcho ]!" which means "Countdown, 10 seconds!"

