Time can be divided into Hours, Minutes and Seconds. In previous posts, we talked about Hours and Minutes.
We now turn to Seconds.
We use Chinese-based Number to tell Seconds.
Second = 초 [ cho ]
1 Second = One + Second = 일 + 초 [ cho ] = 일초 [ ilcho]
10 Seconds = Ten + Second = 십 + 초 [ cho ] = 십초 [ sipcho ]
30 Seconds = Thirty + Second = 삼십 + 초 [ cho ] = 삼십초 [ samsipcho ]
60 Seconds = Sixty + Second = 육십 + 초 [ cho ] = 육십초 [ yuksipcho ]
There is a Kpop song called 60 Seconds 육십초 by Kim Sung Kyu and the lyrics contain the phrase "60 Seconds 육십초 [ yuksipcho ]", you can hear it at 0:50 and 2:03
At the beginning of the video, Daesung from Bigbang said "Countdown, 십초 [ sipcho ]!" which means "Countdown, 10 seconds!"